
Results found: 2783
Health Informatics New Zealand

Health Informatics New Zealand « health

(Clicks: 317;website added: Jan 29, 2014, health)

Health Informatics New Zealand (HINZ) is a national, not-for-profit organisation whose focus is to facilitate improvements in business processes and patient care in the health sector through the application of appropriate information technologies.

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Dr Robin Kelly

Dr Robin Kelly « health

(Clicks: 317;website added: Aug 9, 2013, health)

Dr Robin Kelly practices holistic Mind Body Spirit medicine, writes books on healing, health, creativity, compassion and intuition. He composes acoustic country rock music - free soundclips. USA Best Books Award Winner 2008, science, winner, national, TED

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Enigma Solutions' - online, remote meetings.

Enigma Solutions' - online, remote meetings. « health

(Clicks: 317;website added: Oct 2, 2011, health)

Enigma Solutions - HealthIT web solutions, PreEmployment Medical, Periodic Medicals, Workplace Health Monitoring, PREDICT, CVD Diabetes, Electronic Clinical Decision Support, Chronic Care Management Systems

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Home « health

(Clicks: 317;website added: Jan 22, 2010, health)

Wing Chun is a method of self defence that engenders self confidence and good health

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Choptober - Choptober, growing your chops for charity

Choptober - Choptober, growing your chops for charity « health

(Clicks: 316;website added: Jun 1, 2014, health)

We at The Choptober Foundation have a dream. That dream is to get every Kiwi to grow epicly massive Chops or to be sponsoring someone who is growing said epic Chops. There are no excuses for the ladies either.

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The Well Child Tamariki Ora Programme - New Zealand

The Well Child Tamariki Ora Programme - New Zealand « health

(Clicks: 316;website added: Apr 24, 2013, health)

Well Child/Tamariki Ora is a free service that is offered to all New Zealand children from birth to five years. Well Child can support you to protect and improve your childâs health, so they can grow and develop to their full potential.

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Tai Chi Productions New Zealand

Tai Chi Productions New Zealand « health

(Clicks: 316;website added: Feb 18, 2007, health)

Tai Chi Productions New Zealand aims to provide an enjoyable and supportive environment for all to learn and grow through tai chi. Suitable for all ages and

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