
Results found: 387
Howick Community Church

Howick Community Church « church

(Clicks: 190;website added: Jun 24, 2011, church)

Howick Community Church is a vibrant, contemporary, independent Christian church located in the heart of the Howick community. Our main gathering happens on Sundays at 10:00am at the Picton Centre, 120 Picton Street, Howick.
Skratch. co. nz

Skratch. co. nz « church

(Clicks: 190;website added: Aug 27, 2007, church)

Share in the app experience with Skratch Ltd, where you can enjoy fun, exciting and innovative church related applications, supported on all devices

PDS « church

(Clicks: 189;website added: Aug 15, 2008, church)

PSDS - Presbyterian Savings and Development Society of New Zealand (Inc). We make Loans available to Churches throughout New Zealand, at less than market rates, to help them build all types of facilities.

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